In album: A of powder. The course is 1 month.
A of powder. The course is 1 month. This will lower cholesterol in the blood, display toxins from the body and lose weight at the same time. Some loss of 4 kg. vitapulse Improve health and appearance. Dandelion roots in atherosclerosis for excretion of excess cholesterol in the blood. Cuhoy powder chopped dried roots use in atherosclerosis to remove excess cholesterol from the body and remove harmful ..
A substances
juices and rowan lower cholesterol. There can be as much as eggplant, add them to salads raw, pre-hold in salted water to the bitterness left. In the morning drink tomato and carrot juices (alternate). 5 Eat fresh berries red rowan 3-4 times a day. Course - 4 days, .
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